Tirelo Bosha Public Service Improvement Facility: Enhancing MBI Sustainability
In many ways, the Municipal Benchmarking Initiative (MBI) is a “change management process” as it requires municipalities to both think and act differently. The MBI faces the challenge of operating in an overtaxed municipal context, and that municipalities require a good return of their investment in the MBI. To continue to be successful, the MBI needs interest, commitment and involvement from councilors, senior management, and technical staff and the supportive involvement and alignment from key sector groups.
Despite the MBI making good progress, there are still some municipalities that need to be introduced and exposed to basics of the MBI. Another challenge is breaking down “silos” between departments in municipalities. The MBI team will continue to work hard to reach all municipalities and reinforce MBI principles to overcome identified challenges. SALGA and WRC have recommitted themselves to the MBI initiative, and together will continue to actively seek water sector support to grow and strengthen this worthwhile initiative.
To assist with long-term MBI sustainability, SALGA and WRC have worked hard to secure additional funding for the MBI. Support has been obtained from the Tirelo Bosha Public Service Improvement Facility, which intends to contribute towards enhanced capacity for improved public service delivery in South Africa. This 18-month grant will focus on (1) increased peer interactions and knowledge sharing, (2) further enhancing Munibench, and (3) ensuring MBI is aligned to and supporting the Back to Basics programme to the benefit of municipalities. SALGA and WRC hope to shortly conclude the funding agreement with the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) so that these exciting new developments can commence.
Although SALGA and the WRC are continuing to provide financial support to the MBI, and the Tirelo Bosha (DPSA) grant funding will help maintain MBI momentum, additional funding is required to further enhance the MBI programme. Going forward, municipalities will be asked to make a small annual contribution towards sustaining this excellent initiative. Despite current tough economic conditions, we are confident that municipalities’ small investment will reap great rewards and benefits.